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17b And 4wd Training
Posted 12 Jul '22

17b And 4wd Training

Recently, we have become aware that NSW Ambulance is asking Paramedics to complete 4WD and MPV training on their days off, and only offering to pay them under Clause 17B of the Award.

It is inappropriate to ask staff on 4WD stations to complete 4WD training on their days off. Where a station has a 4WD, NSW Ambulance should be training people on work time as it is essential that they have the capability to use the 4WD.

NSW Ambulance should also not be mandating that MPV training must be undertaken within the same course.

This is also an incorrect application of Clause 17B of the Award, which strictly relates to a very narrow set of non-operational circumstances.

The view of APA (NSW) is that NSW Ambulance should be rostering people to 4WD training on their days on. At the least, if training must occur on days off due to extreme circumstances (for instance, rostering difficulties associated with natural disasters), then staff must be paid overtime. 

Given the above, APA (NSW) strongly recommends that all staff stand in solidarity and refuse to do 4WD training on their days off, in particular when not paid at overtime rates.

In solidarity,
APA (NSW) Executive

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