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Skills Upgrade Survey
Posted 17 Jan '23

Skills Upgrade Survey

17 Jan 2023

Dear members,

We have all recently heard about the planned P1 skill upgrade, which will see P1 Paramedics upskilled in: 

In addition we are being taught how to use a new piece of equipment, being the Corpuls 3T. We understand amiodarone was scheduled for this round of MCPD, but due to time constraints, has been pushed back. We assume until the next round.

This as always places us in a difficult position. APA (NSW) has always been a member led organisation. 

We would like to survey you about how you feel about the proposed skill upgrade.

You will shortly be sent a survey. Please ensure you take the time to respond. The survey will run for 24 hours, until 6PM Wednesday 18 January. 

In solidarity,

APA (NSW) Executive

Your Choice, Your Voice

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