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Support For Striking Nurses And Midwives
Posted 14 Feb '22

Support For Striking Nurses And Midwives

As we gear up for our own action, set for 17 February 2022, let’s also talk about how we can support nurses and midwives across NSW, who will be taking action on 15 February.

Like us, nurses and midwives have been systematically underpaid and ignored by the NSW Government.

We are encouraging our members to take the following action:

We are extending our industrial action to include wearing your uniform to attend any of these rallies.

It is important that the public see how important this issue is to us and that we demonstrate visible solidarity between health workers.

Whenever we advise you of industrial action, we make sure you are aware of the potential consequences. You may face disciplinary action for wearing your uniform outside of the uniform policy. It is likely, however, that this will not go beyond a letter advising you of the uniform policy.

If you would like chalk delivered to your local ambulance station, please let us know.

In solidarity,

APA (NSW) Executive

Your Choice, Your Voice

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